Because you have a story to tell about a place you used to call home.
Write a letter, post it here, send a copy in the mail with our ‘one sheet’.
Mission Statement:
Letters Home is about whatever home means to you. It’s a place to share memories and explore what we’ve left behind. The place you’ll never forget, or the place you’re trying to remember. It’s where the past connects with the present.
Letters Home provides a space for these memories. It’s a chance to explore how the places have changed and how we’ve changed. It could be the house you grew up in, the house you moved away from or the friend’s house you went every day after school. Summer camp, a vacation spot, band house, or any space that you define as home. A place to discover the transformative properties of time and memory and what we all share. Houses take on the memories of those who inhabit them.
What is Letters Home?
Letters Home relies on contributions. We are nothing without readers who are willing to share their stories or respond to others. We don’t think we’re alone in wondering what’s happened to our childhood homes since we left. Or in wanting to share an important event that occurred there – from a birthday party to a marriage proposal, a secret revealed to a lie concealed.
Write a letter to the present occupant (even if it’s still family), the owner of the store that now stands on that lot, whatever or whoever might be there now, and share your memory. Ask them to respond with their own story and photo. Their letter and photo will then be added to your post.
How Letters Home works?
Find a photo (if your photo is of the olde thyme print variety, please provide a high-res or good quality scan) that captures your story.
Go to our Submit Page post your photo and letter. If you run into trouble let us know home@lettershome.ca
Include the Letters Home information page. Send this page, the photo (or copy of the photo) and letter to the present occupant of the home.
While we wait for a response for your letter, browse the site and comment on other entries. Who knows what memories other people’s stories might spark?
When we receive a response, it will be tagged to your original post. Visitors to lettershome.ca can then easily read through both entries.
In order to contribute, respond or comment, you will have to create an account and login.
There is no charge for creating an account.
You will be asked to create a username. Only your username (whether you choose your own name or alias) will appear online.
We do need some personal information to match you with your house but only as much information as you would like will be revealed online.
We respect your privacy and the privacy of your family and friends. Please be sure to get the permission of anyone in the photograph that you post. Let them know that their photo will appear online.
Write your letter, post your letter and send your letter. Visit often.
Thanks for dropping by, Julietta